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4 Ways to Make Email Marketing Boost Your Website SEO

SEO is so important for websites to be visible to the right people today. But if you do something wrong, you could end up getting penalised and fall down in those all-important rankings.

While traditional SEO practices like keyword research continues to be important, did you know that email marketing could ultimately also help to improve your SEO performance? Emails themselves aren’t ranked, but they can boost user engagement with your content and push up your SEO. Here’s how you can do that.

Make People Stay Longer On Your Website

Website bounce rate is a ranking factor Google and other search engines take into consideration. This means that people staying longer on your website will help it rank higher. But if your bounce rate is too high, then you’ll fall in SEO rankings. There are many SEO companies that can help you with fixing your bounce rate. However, you can try fixing it with by yourself, you need to consider the following:

  • With email marketing, you can control the type and quality of visitors who come to your website.
  • When a person clicks on your email link to your website, they are already engaged with your content and are far more likely to stay longer on your pages.
  • Search engines view these higher engagement levels more favourably and will push up your SEO rankings if they notice a consistent pattern of greater website engagement.

Email marketing is an excellent way to not only drive more traffic to your website, but also to ensure the people that do come are more engaged and interested in your content.

Use Email Marketing To Promote Your Presence On Social Media

The more search engines see visitors engaging with your content, the better your chances of higher SEO rankings. Email marketing with links to your social media channels will help you engage with your audience through comments, shares and likes. Consider the following:

  • Make sure all email content has a CTA asking readers to share your content on their social pages so you can reach out to and engage with more and more people.
  • Find out what content is most relevant and share-worthy for readers within your industry.
  • Make sure you deliver high-quality email content that makes readers want to open and share it with their peers.

Social media engagement has a direct relationship with SEO rankings. When people share your content online, it is clear that they like it. This is taken into consideration when your website is ranked by search engines.

Use Emails To Hook Readers To Your Other Pages Or Content Pieces

Email marketing continues to be a popular way for brands to reach out to their subscribers. But many tend to overlook the way a simple email can help readers engage with other areas of your digital presence. Consider the following:

  • Email can help you distribute a piece of content, while cross promoting other digital channels of your brand for greater engagement.
  • You can use an email to re-direct readers to specific areas of interest that are relevant to your business – this could push up the number of visits to your pages.
  • Get readers hooked on to your video pages if possible because videos keep people interested for longer. The longer someone is on your page, the better it is for your SEO.
  • Use demographic information to target people with relevant content based on their needs and interests.

While email marketing itself doesn’t have a direct impact on SEO rankings, it helps to boost engagement across different pages and content pieces. This will help your rankings.

Use Emails To Find Out What Content People Want

Emails are an easy way to ask your subscribers what content they want through surveys and opinion polls, especially when people are searching for sites with surveys. Through surveys and polls:

  • You’ll be able to build content around the interests and needs of your specific audience.
  • You’ll be able to determine the relevance of your existing content and can tweak your messages accordingly.
  • You’ll find out key pain points and issues your audience faces so you can deliver solutions that add real value to their needs.

The personal nature of emails can make your audience feel valued. They’ll feel like their opinion counts to you, as a brand, and are more open to purchasing from you when the time comes.

Email marketing is an excellent way to attract engaged prospects to your website. A more engaged audience will stay on your website for longer, which is exactly what you need to move up in SEO rankings.