
Former Fox News host and producer of his Fox Business Network show “Making Money with Jeff Fox” talks about the Democrats’ mid-2018 losses

Here’s what Jeff Foxx, former FOX anchor and producer of Fox Business Network’s “Making Money with Jeff Foxx,” told FOX’s Trish Regan on “Varney & Co. Business Network’s Trish Regan.

Trish Regan: Democrats’ efforts to control drug prices have clearly failed. The defeat of the “Fix Our Damn Drug Prices Act of 2019” in the US Senate set off a red wave that saw the eight red governors lose at the polls including Arkansas Democrat Mike Ross and Governor-elect Laura Kelly who defeated Republican incumbent Tom Cotton . It looks like Democrats may try to regain control of the Senate in the 2020 race. Jeff Foxx, FOX Business Network anchor and Fox Business Network show producer, “Making Money with Jeff Foxx” joins me now from Washington. Jeff, so why are the Democrats losing the blue governor’s race?

Jeff Foxx: Well, if you notice we have a lot of red states that have gone red. We had, Mike Ross was the only Democrat running in Arkansas, you know, the Democrats lost eight seats in the House, and I think if it wasn’t for Mike Ross’ conservative positions on health care, a lot of Democrats thought it was because Mike Ross was a little bit to the right on “fixing our damn drug price bill,” and I think a lot of polls showed that. And I think a lot of the polls show that. Because the numbers didn’t change, the legislation never passed, and people knew that, and I just think that’s what happened.

Trish Regan: Now that this collapse has turned some on the far left, critics are calling for a new political uprising. They compare the Democratic Party’s losses in office to President Bush’s loss to Democrat John Kerry in the 2004 election and say those blue-collar Republicans who voted for Trump are joining the Tea Party. Jeff, what are the implications of these setbacks for the Democratic Party?

JEFF FOX: Well, I think you know Trish, you mentioned the tea party and that sort of thing happened, and I think the Democratic Party is tired of that, so this vote that we’re seeing has angered a lot of Democrats across the country. It’s not just one race, it’s eight races across the country. I think it had a lot to do with people saying, you know it’s time for the people to take over and take control of their government and I think in all these other races people are saying the same thing, they want to have a government that says where their government is going to go. They’re not happy with the direction our government is going, so they’re just doing the exact opposite, they’re taking the exact opposite approach.

Trish Reagan: What do Democrats get out of this now?

Jeff Foxx: Well, Trish, I don’t think this is the time for Democrats to panic and start bickering because in many of the red states, it’s control of Congress, so in all of these changes that are happening, a lot of the red states are sending Democrats or Republicans to Washington and they control health care and control, so Democrats did overturn those states, but in most of them of them, they now control that red state legislature.